Pochitchi's Place

Giga Pets

Giga Pets were created in 1997 by Tiger Electronics, and are one of the most varied virtual pets, having everything from Dogs and Cats to a Chimp, a Scorpion, T-Rexes, and even Trolls.All of the 1997 Release Giga Pets share the ability to teach your pet tricks, and show minor growth for each pet -- EXCEPT for early builds! Some of the different shells of different pet types have different programming - including some being basically Nano Pets clones!More information on the programming differences between the different versions of the Giga Pets!

Official Website

Digital Doggie

Other names: Micropup, Digipooch

This pet comes in many different shell colors, with a couple of shells actually having different programming! The Digital Doggie also had crossovers with both KFC and Barbie!


Compu Kitty

Other names: Bitty Kitty

Very similar to the Doggie, only a cat! Has fewer shell shapes, but has different colors available.
Also had crossovers with KFC and Barbie. 
